Leipzig Award











The European-American Citizens Committee for Human Rights and Religious Freedom in the USA is involved in human rights and religious freedom in the USA and worldwide, and is engaged in the discussion in particular about new totalitarian organizations. In doing so it lets itself be guided by the stance taken by 17 million Americans in 1950 when they signed a pledge to the Berlin Liberty Bell:

"I believe in the sacredness and dignity of the individual. I believe that all men derive the right to freedom equally from God. I pledge to resist aggression and tyranny wherever they appear on earth."
Whoever finds these words too lofty or too extreme should make themselves clear as to the counter-points of each individual sentence: servility and defenselessness, dishonesty and slavery. The world of gulags, concentration camps and reeducation camps of the SO. Still we can do something about it. In Europe and in America.  

As European friends of the United States of America or as US citizens, we are concerned that the organization responsible for the 17 days of anguish immediately preceding the death of Lisa McPherson (USA), for the financial ruin of the Aigner family (Germany) and for the tragic death of Patrice Vic (France), is trying to damage the European-American friendship for which we have all worked so very hard during the last decades. We wish to express our support for the American people and the American government in ending human rights violations against US citizens and other people, committed by the Scientology Organization. 

Because of the staunch position the United States takes concerning human rights worldwide, we call on the American government to confront and stop human rights violations being committed by Scientology and to reestablish in the country of democracy the true freedom of life, speech, religion, personality and pursuit of happiness, which includes: 

  • Freedom for everyone to speak about his experiences, knowledge and thoughts in any organization, church or cult, be it religious or not;
  • Freedom for members of an organization, church or cult, religious or not, to leave that organization, without being detained, threatened or persecuted;
  • Freedom from fear of being confronted with material that a religious or therapeutic organization has obtained through religious or spiritual counseling; Such material should not be allowed to be used for publication, litigation, or blackmail;
  • Freedom from persecution through Copyright Laws; such laws should not be used against members who try to support their arguments by citing "church scriptures" or "spiritual literature" or other texts associated with the group;
  • Full application of law enforcement to prosecute fraud, mental and physical abuse hidden behind the shield of "religion";
  • Refusal / Withdrawal of tax exemptions for secretive organizations, be they religious or not. Full disclosure of past secret agreements with the IRS.











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